Member-only story
Wandering, wondering, and wallowing
Why sometimes playing a game with locals is more important than writing a blog post or trolling for likes on Instagram, Facebook or here.
Sometimes playing a game with locals is more important than writing a blog post or trolling for likes on the social media platfor du jour.
What happens to a blog when one wanders? Without a little attention, like a plant that needs water, a blog — even your account here on Medium — withers slowly. Yet unlike those less resilient plants, it still lives, albeit sedentary. Sadly, due to my lack of consistency here on Medium, and on my blog The Digital Tavern, my blog and feed here have been on life support with less than a half-dozen posts over the past two years.
I make no excuses, will whine no whimpers, and yet I will beat myself up personally and constantly — it’s my decision after all.
Yes, it’s my fault. I accept responsibility. It’s a lack of focus, or too much focus, I’m not sure. Maybe I try to do too much, but that statement sends me into the abyss of excuses. I resist.
I like wandering. Even if it’s from one blog to another and one social media channel to the next. Where is consistency? And where is life in between the posts? Or are posts the life?