Member-only story
It’s Not About You. Get Over It.
Mask Up When You Have To, Get The Vaccine When You Can.
I’ve bitten my tongue long enough. There’s no holding back now. I become more dumbfounded with each interview, social media post, or personal encounter with people trumping up excuses or complaining about masks, mandates, and vaccines. Complaining is draining. I know I should just let go, but I’m not for the sake of society and humanity.
The most incredulous excuse is from complainers is that mask or vaccine mandates infringe on personal liberty and freedom. They demand that nobody, not the government, business, or community, can force them to wear a mask or get the vaccine. Insisting, they declare that it’s their life, their body, and they will do as they please — even if it means putting them at risk. Sorry, it’s not about you. It’s about protecting others — and the freedom of others. It’s about fighting more infectious and dangerous variants like the delta. It’s about keeping this country on a path that prevents infections and maintains an open and growing economy.
Would your self-righteous pro-personal liberty self walk past police lines and into a burning building? If a firefighter or law enforcement officer pushes you back from entering will you complain about freedom — it’s your life, body, and you will do as you please? Would you get behind the wheel of a car after drinking because it’s your right? Because you accept personal responsibility? No. Because there are consequences.